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Home » Unleash the Jungle Vibes: Introducing the Monstera Deliciosa, Your Gateway to Tropical Paradise

Unleash the Jungle Vibes: Introducing the Monstera Deliciosa, Your Gateway to Tropical Paradise

by Claudia Steinbach
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Monstera Deliciosa leaves
My Monstera Deliciosa

Craving a touch of lush greenery and exotic flair in your home? Look no further than the Monstera Deliciosa, the iconic Swiss Cheese Plant that’s taking the houseplant world by storm.

This stunning tropical beauty, with its distinctive perforated leaves and easy-going nature, is the perfect way to breathe life into any space. Follow our Grow and Care guide written by our Houseplant Expert Claudia Steinbach.

But the Monstera Deliciosa is more than just a pretty face. This versatile plant boasts a charming personality and a surprising range of benefits.

  • Unleash your inner explorer: Imagine waking up to the lush greenery of a rainforest every morning. The Monstera Deliciosa, with its towering stature and cascading leaves, instantly transports you to a tropical paradise.
  • Breathe easy: This air-purifying marvel filters out common toxins like formaldehyde and benzene, leaving you with fresh, clean air to breathe.
  • Low-maintenance magic: Say goodbye to high-maintenance divas! The Monstera Deliciosa thrives with minimal care, making it ideal for busy plant parents (or those with slightly less-than-black thumbs).
  • A touch of the extraordinary: Those distinctive leaf fenestrations aren’t just whimsical – they’re a result of the plant’s clever adaptation to the rainforest canopy. Each hole allows precious sunlight to reach lower leaves, creating a breathtakingly unique visual effect.
  • More than just a pretty leaf: While the foliage is the star of the show, the Monstera Deliciosa also produces delicious (and yes, edible!) fruit called ‘ceriman’. Though fruiting indoors is rare, the sheer possibility adds to the plant’s mystique.

Ready to embark on your own Monstera Deliciosa adventure? Dive into our comprehensive guide to learn everything you need to know about caring for, styling, and propagating this tropical treasure.

We’ll answer all your burning questions, from light and watering needs to choosing the perfect pot and avoiding common pitfalls.

Let the Monstera Deliciosa lead you on a journey of vibrant life, clean air, and effortless style. Welcome to the jungle!


Monstera Deliciosa is commonly known as the “Swiss Cheese Plant” or “split leaf philodendron”, the Monstera Deliciosa is a widely available and popular houseplant. Sometimes it can be confusing because its cousin, Monstera Adansonii is also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant. But you can easily distinguish the two according to the shape of the holes in their leaves.

This article teaches you how to grow and care for a Monstera Deliciosa. This popular houseplant is known for its large, heart-shaped foliage with “splits” or fenestrations. In the wild, Monstera Deliciosa grows at a larger tree’s base and climbs the tree using aerial roots. The more it climbs, the larger the foliage and the more fenestrations.

Fenestrations on the larger, newer leaves allow for the plant’s older foliage at the base to receive sunlight and water. While it’s commonly referred to as a “split leaf philodendron” the Monstera Deliciosa is its own plant genus of nearly fifty species. Another common Monstera variety is Adansonii, characterized by its many leaf fenestrations and more delicate foliage.

Monstera Deliciosa has highly coveted variegated varieties, including Albo, Thai Constellation, and Aurea. Native to Central and South America’s tropical rainforest. In the wild, Monstera Deliciosa flowers and produces fruit that is considered a delicacy.

Monstera Deliciosa Care Guide

The plant is hardy and easily adapts to different environments and growing conditions. However, the key to growing a large, healthy, and fenestrated Monstera Deliciosa is to mimic the environment of its natural habitat.

Don’t worry, this split-leaf philodendron is easy to grow indoors and even used as landscaping outdoors in tropical climates. Here’s everything you need to know to grow and care for a Monstera Deliciosa.

I have been growing this plant for many years. Therefore, I have some experience in taking care of a Monstera Deliciosa. So, if you have questions or need help with it, you can get in touch with me by commenting below.


Thrives in medium-bright indirect light. In general, a plant that is grown to be a houseplant will not withstand full, direct sun without being acclimated.


Water thoroughly when the soil is completely dry. A common sign that a Monstera Deliciosa is dehydrated is leaf curling, beginning with the bottom leaves. Watering an indoor plant is essential for your plant to grow healthy.


While this is a tropical plant and would appreciate higher humidity (50%+), this Monstera variety easily adapts to various humidity levels. Brown tips are a common sign your humidity levels are too low.


The ideal temperature should remain between 65-85℉. If temperatures drop or rise beyond these parameters, your plant is likely to show signs of stress.


A well-draining soil mix is a must. Some soil amendments to consider are perlite, pumice, and orchid bark. Keeping the soil airy ensures the roots can properly get oxygen and prevent root rot.


In fertilizing the soil, NPK is the term to know: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Look for a well-balanced fertilizer containing a higher Phosphorus level to support large foliage and plant growth.


Give them support to climb, this will encourage larger growth with more fenestrations. Unlike other climbing plants, a Monstera Deliciosa does not need the aerial roots to root or “grab onto” a support pole medium. As long as you give them support, whether a trellis or bamboo stick, the plant will continue to upsize and encourage fenestrations.

Potting and Repotting

Monstera Deliciosas like to be rootbound in their pots. Larger doesn’t mean bigger when it comes to this houseplant. The pot should be 1-2’’ bigger in diameter than the plant’s root ball. Repot when there are more roots than soil. Some common signs it’s time to re-pot are:

  • Plants require much more frequent watering.
  • The new growth is smaller than the previous or not growing at all.
  • You can see roots coming out of the bottom drainage holes.
Potting and Repotting Monstera Deliciosa
Repotting Monstera Deliciosa


There’s something so special about propagating and successfully growing a new plant from your original plant.

Monstera Deliciosas are easily propagated through stem cuttings and air layering.

Stem Cutting Propagation

  1. Locate a node with an axillary bud. Axillary buds can be hard to spot; they are located on the inner stem at the base where the leaf emerged.
  2. You will cut the stem between the top and bottom nodes.
  3. Place the cutting in your rooting medium of choice. Water is a very easy and successful rooting medium for Monsteras, but you can also use perlite, sphagnum moss, or fluval stratum.

*Pro tip: Allow the cutting to callus for 1-2 hours before placing it in water to prevent rotting.

Stem Cutting Propagation
Stem Cutting Propagation

Air Layering Propagation

Air Layering is a method of propagating a plant before you separate, or cut, the propagated area of the plant. This is a very easy method to propagate because Monstera Deliciosas grow so many large aerial roots.

For this method you will need some supplies:

  • Sphagnum moss
  • Plastic wrap
  • Rubber band

So, here’s how you do it:

  1. Soak the sphagnum moss to get it hydrated, and squeeze excess water out.
  2. Identify the node you will be propagating.
  3. Wrap the sphagnum moss around the stem where you want to propagate, including aerial roots if present.
  4. Wrap the moss with plastic wrap and tie it with a rubber band.
  5. The moss should remain moist for the duration of this process.
  6. Once roots have formed, you may cut at the stem and directly pot your new propagation into your selected potting medium.
Air Layering Propagation
Air Layering Monstera Deliciosa


Like many other plants, pruning a Monstera Deliciosa may activate other axillary buds for new growth or “branching”. If you decide to prune the plant, be sure to do so at the stem between two nodes.

Aerial Roots

You may choose to prune aerial roots for plant aesthetics but not necessary. Pruning aerial roots doesn’t hurt the plant’s growth or development, but it does help the plant balance as it climbs. Another solution to aerial roots is to coil them on top of the soil’s surface to keep them out of the way.

Common Issues with Monstera Deliciosa

Below are some typical concerns, their probable causes, and workable alternatives in order to address the concerns on your Monstera Deliciosa plant.

Curling leaves

The curling of leaves in Monstera Deliciosa happens when the plant is lack nutrients and is exposed to heat. The leaves may not be able to support their natural shape and will begin to curl inwards. When this happens, you need to check the soil’s moisture and water accordingly.

Browning leaf tips

Insufficient humidity and dry air are the primary factors that cause this issue, although a plant that has outgrown its pot can also have a similar impact on a plant’s health. If the leaf of your plant turns brown, you need to increase humidity.

No fenestrations

This type of problem in Monstera Deliciosa usually occurs when your plant doesn’t have enough light, water, and fertilizer.

New growth is smaller than previous

If this happens to your plant, check the roots-to-soil ratio, it might be time for an upsize.

Yellowing bottom leaves

Most likely normal to retire older leaves as the plant grows. However, this can be caused by letting the plant go dry for too long or missing nutrients.

Monstera Deliciosa Toxicity

This plant is toxic to pets and humans if ingested.


In general, Monstera Deliciosa is a very easygoing and pest-free plant. Some of the most common pests found on this plant are spider mites, mealy bugs, and scale. The key to any pest infestation is to act quickly and quarantine the plant from the rest of your collection. 

Monstera Deliciosa Conclusion

There is a lot to learn about Monstera Deliciosa, but you will find that this is not only a beautiful and classic plant, but it is also hardy. Follow these simple Monstera basics and you too can grow a large and healthy Monstera Deliciosa in your space that is sure to make a statement.

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Doris Wilson
1 year ago

Hello, please help!! I have a monstera deliciosa plant that I started from one leaf in water and now it very large with multiple leaves and sprouting many aerial roots. I still have it in water. I want to transfer this plant into soil but I’m afraid that it will die if I do. It’s beautiful now. What should I do?

Elyssa Goins
Reply to  Doris Wilson
1 year ago

Doris, You’ve done a great job and now you are going to have two beautiful monstera. All you have to do is plant it in potting soil and in a few weeks it will take off again.

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