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Home » Living Stones (Lithops Fulleri): Plant Care and Growing Guide – House Plants Expert

Living Stones (Lithops Fulleri): Plant Care and Growing Guide – House Plants Expert

by Elyssa Goins
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Known as living stones, this decorative plant is unique and eye catching. The Lithops fulleri is simple to look after, and suitable for home gardeners of all levels.


Lithops fulleri are also known as living stones and they are a member of the Aizoaceae succulent plant family.

They are native to South Africa. The species is extremely distinct with its creamy, gray color. A near stemless plant that grows beautiful leaves during summer and autumn.

A relatively easy plant to grow due to its ability to handle a wide spectrum of temperatures.

Foliage: The foliage is cone shaped with an elliptic outline that grows to around 25mm high with a width of up to 30mm. It divides itself into two conjunct lobes.

Flowering: The plant flowers during the summer months and into fall where a white flower that is similar to a daisy grows from the fissure.

Displaying: Ideally, the plant prefers a position that will give it as much sunlight as possible. Therefore, placing it in a south or west facing position will ensure that it gets the exposure it needs. However, it is important to remember that the plant will not thrive in a cold drafty environment.

Care level: The Lithops fulleri is a tough plant due to the location from which it originates and this makes it relatively easy to care for.

It does not need regular watering and during the winter months it does not require watering at all although it does no harm to water it every few weeks.


Names:Lithops pseudotruncatella (botanical/scientific).
Max Growth (approx):Height 1cm – 10cm max.
Poisonous for pets:Not known, but it’s unlikely a pet will chew on this type of foliage, although they could be curious.
Living Stone Lithops fulleri

Lithops fulleri Care

Temperature:Due to its origin, the Lithop furelli can handle a broad range of temperatures. However, the plant will thrive better at a more consistent temperature of around 65°F -75°F.
Light:The plant will benefit from plenty of light and this means that it should be facing south or west in order to receive as much light as possible. It is important for the plant to receive the maximum amount of light during the winter months when it’s growing.
Watering:The Lithop Fulleri prefers soil that is sandy and gritty and therefore drains well as they can rot if drainage is not sufficient. Cactus potting mix is a good soil.
Soil:The Lithop Fulleri prefers soil that is sandy and gritty and therefore drains well as they can rot if drainage is not sufficient. Cactus potting mix is good soil.
Re-Potting:It is possible to propagate by dividing the offsets grown from the parent plant. The best method is to propagate by seed sown at a temperature of around 19°C – 21°C. The best time to propagate is during the months.
Air Humidity:It will grow well in a room that has an average humidity and air circulation can help although it should not be placed in an area that is susceptible to drafts.
Propagation:The Lithop Fulleri prefers soil that is sandy and gritty and therefore drains well as they can rot if drainage is not sufficient. Cactus potting mix is good soil.
Fertilizer:Using fertilizer with this plant could lead to the tissues of the plant weakening which can then develop into rot. If they are fed, a grower only feeds them once during the winter growing period.

Potential Problems

A number of insects are attracted to the Lithop Fulleri although plants that have been maintained correctly are likely to remain pest free. This is particularly true if it is grown using a mineral potting mix with the correct exposure and airflow.

  • Mealy bugs – These can often develop on new leaves and flowers causing the plant to become disfigured.
  • Sciara Flies – These tend to target seedlings but this can be prevented by mulching seedlings using a layer of grit.
  • Rot – If the plant is watered correctly and has the correct air circulation then rot can be prevented. Overwatering especially in cold conditions is the worst offender.

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