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Home » Florist Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum): Plant Care and Growing Guide – House Plants Expert

Florist Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum): Plant Care and Growing Guide – House Plants Expert

by Elyssa Goins
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Cyclamen Persicum is a small and compact flowering pot plant that may only last this flowering season or possibly next season if proper care is given.

Bright colored blooms, attractive leaves, and the ease of these plants blooming during winter time “makes them a popular choice”.

Description of Cyclamen Persicum


A quick mention on the buying front. If you are able to buy a plant during fall with some buds unopened you’re likely to enjoy these delightful plants for longer.

Cyclamen is the common name used for this plant and the name of the genus the Persicum variety belongs to. In its natural habitat, you’ll find this plant growing within rocky areas, among many shrub vegetation areas, and over 1000m above sea levels. It is a tender plant that does not like frost, however, they’re grown outdoors (in temperate climates) but struggles to survive in winter temperatures.

The genus of cyclamens “which are tuber plants” consists of over 20 species and many hybrids, but the persicum and hybrids of this species are the most popular grown indoors. There are also dwarf sizes cultivated (like they are not small enough as they are!), which only grow up to 6 inches tall.


The foliage grows very compact and the leaves are patterned and kind of heart-shaped, which are very attractive without flowers. The basic leaves of Cyclamen Persicum are green with silver markings and another has a silver marble effect around most of the leaf and the center is green. The beautiful blooms sit well above the foliage on long stems.


The colorful decorative blooms growing on stems sitting above the leaves are available in many colors, including light pink, deep pink, white, red, and light pink with the outer edges, and the bottom of the petals being dark pink in color.

Flowering and Dormancy Period

Cyclamen Persicum is named the florist cyclamen because it’s widely available at florists or stores and treated as an annual plant, to be thrown away after flowering. They can be bought during fall and winter with flowers lasting for a few months, with proper care given. It’s really a perennial that can flower the following year.

Once the flowers die off and the leaves turn yellow and deteriorate, the plant becomes dormant and wants to rest during the summer period, so if you like “you can have a go at getting the plant to bloom next year.” Unlike other plants that grow at their best from spring – to fall, the cyclamen does the opposite and grows from the end of fall – to spring.

Remove all the dying foliage once much of it has deteriorated and place the plant tuber in a pot with the top section of the tuber sitting above the soil, within a relaxed environment, without bright light. Stop watering and feeding. You do not want the soil to become wet (wet will rot) and feeding stops because growth has stalled until next year. Once you see the first bit of growth, which should be from September – December, give them a thorough watering and begin regular care.

Level of Care

If you grow cyclamens as annual pot plants and discard them after flowering you’ll find them easy to care for in cool conditions. Taking care of them during the dormant period to bloom the next season is the tricky part, which is why so many discard them.

Facts About Cyclamen Persicum

Origin:Middle East, Greek Islands, and elsewhere.
Names:Cylamen, florist cyclamen (common). — C. Cyclamen (botanical/scientific).
Max Growth (approx):12 inches tall
Poisonous for pets:Toxic to cats and dogs.
Pink Cylamen
Red Cylamen
White Cylamen

Cyclamen Persicum Yellow Leaves

There are many ways how to take care of Cyclamen. When it comes to summer, this plant becomes dormant. The flowering of this plant stops and you will see that the cyclamen yellow leaves will show as the weather warms. When this happens, you need to stop watering it and make the plant rest.

Set your plant on a windowsill to keep it dry. When the plant sends up new leaves, it’s time to water again. This indicates that it is Cyclamen bloom time. You will need to repot the plant and make sure the upper half of the tuber is above the surface of the potting mix.

If your plant keeps flowering all summer, it will develop more Cyclamen colors on the leaves and in the flower. Keep watering, feeding, and enjoying taking care of this plant. If you want to create a landscape for your garden, using a Cyclamen laser would be helpful. Laser is perfect in the landscape during the transitional months of Fall and Spring. Wonderful as an indoor flowering plant too!

Five Varieties of Cyclamen Persicum

There are a lot of varieties that we can find regarding this plant. It depends on what type of houseplants you want to take care.

1. Cyclamen alpinum

Called Cyclamen Trochopteranthum, Alpinum is known for its pink and purple flowers with a sweet primrose fragrance and large green leaves.

2. Cyclamen Creticum

Has a variety of features white to pale pink flowers from February to May. The pretty blossoms give out a pleasant lily-like scent.

3. Cyclamen Mirabile

Cyclamen Mirabile is a tuberous perennial that blooms flowers in shades of pink with a tiny purple blotch at the bottom. The light-hued blooms give a sharp contrast to its dark foliage.

4. Cyclamen Repandum

A very popular dwarf perennial plant in Algeria and Sothern France. With gray-green leaves, the species feature deep-pink flowers, with a sweet fragrance in early spring.

5. Cyclamen Graecum

Greek specimen shows off pink flowers having a deeper shade from the center. The leaves have beautiful dark green and silver hues.

Cyclamen Persicum Care


Cool temperatures from 50°F/10°C – 65°F/18°C are ideal, so a cool room without central heating is required (if you want the flowers to last long). If a room is above these temperatures just find the coolest spot within the room.


When the cyclamen persicum is in flower provide a decent amount of light, without direct sunlight.


Water the plant once the soil becomes just about dry to the touch, thoroughly. A good method for watering is to place the plant pot in tepid water and allow the soil and plant to soak up as much as possible, then allow it time to drain before placing it on the plant tray. Immersing them in water avoids water from getting inside the crown, which is harmful to them.


A rich well-draining potting soil is needed, which retains water but also drains well.


A liquid fertilizer diluted can be used once every 2 weeks while the plant has flowers and foliage.


I would re-pot the tuber once the flowering season has finished and the leaves have deteriorated. As mentioned in the above flowering and dormant section – leave the top section of the tuber above the soil.


Humidity levels are best if they’re improved by placing the plant in a pebble humidity tray or using other methods of increasing levels.


The persicum is propagated by seed which is a bit tricky for most indoor growers and takes too long. It’s much easier to buy one.


Mosts common pests are mealybugs, aphids, scale, thrips, fungus gnats, , vine weevils.

Common Problems of Cyclamen Persicum

Leaves Turning Yellow

As mentioned above leaves will turn yellow after the flowering season and the crown section will also deteriorate. If the center of the plant (crown) looks fine then your plant may be too warm, have too much direct sunlight, air humidity could be too dry or it could be under-watered.

Short Flower Life Span

This could be due to dry and warm heat or other reasons, such as not enough water or the plant was bought and bloomed well before you purchased it.

Leaves Soft and Drooping and Plant Soft in the Center

Your plants are in trouble if the crown section in the center is soft, which is caused by over-watering. There is not much you can do to help apart from re-pot and hoping for the best, but it will probably die.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Cyclamen Persicum an indoor plant?

Yes. With proper take care of this plant, it will not die.

How long do cyclamen Persicum last?

In a small vase, cyclamen can last up to 5 or 6 days. Indoor pots flower for a couple of months.

Do cyclamen like sun or shade?

All hardy cyclamen thrive in humus-rich, well-drained soil. The majority of gardeners prefer to grow them under the shadow of deciduous trees and shrubs, however, they will thrive in full sun as well.


Many of the cyclamen plants used by florists are hybrids that do not set seed. Search for seed pods that form after the flowers have faded if you wish to give them a try. Harvest these, crack open the seeds, and plant them in a tiny container with potting soil that has been composted. Cover the seeds barely and lightly moisten them. It will take two years or more before they develop roots that can sustain flowering.

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Cheryl Edwards
Cheryl Edwards
1 year ago

I have had this plant for about 4 yrs now not knowing what it was. It has been a houseplant to me. I have transplanted it once about 2yrs ago and It has always bloomed all year long but one time . WHY IS THAT? Not complaining at all!

Mary Lloyster
Mary Lloyster
Reply to  Cheryl Edwards
1 year ago

Hahaha gladly that your plant survives! Share a picture of your amazing houseplant so that I can have one also for my sister because she loves plants that require a little attention. And I think that your plant is perfect!

Charlotte Brown
Charlotte Brown
1 year ago

Mine has reflowerd this year but now has a fruit? What do I do with it 🤔? Will it turn into a seed pod due to fruits having seeds, when do I know it’s time to remove seeds?

Elyssa Goins
Reply to  Charlotte Brown
1 year ago

Sounds like you have a happy plant! When ripe, the seed pod will open. Unless your plant spends some time outside, it won’t be pollinated.

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